Bustle Update

So, Bustle is a bust. For some reason I cannot seem to get myself excited about making the rest of the underwear! I mean, the idea of making the corset is kind of... scary, you know? I dont wanna waste time and effort and money and be upset. I know I have to deal with it, but I decided to first take a little break from the 18th century.

I have a couple dress ideas for the 18th century though, and I'll document them here. Because I forget things. A lot.



So! First one will be a not-exactly-period piece. Oh well. It'll be pretty though! Its what I
m calling my Lucy dress. The fabric is a thin stripe, red on red, silky and a bit on the thinner side with a shimmer. Its going to be Truly Victorian's grand parlour skirt and an off-the-shoulder top. I also have this luscious red red lace. My love, is like red, red lace. All naughty and suggestive... or something. Anyway. Thats one. My Mina dress is going to be my heart dress. I am going to go all out and decorate with ribbon, lace and trimmings. Its a shauntag of pale spring green, mocked after Mina Murreys dress on Bram Stokers Dracula. Whats not to love? Its going to be a slightly pleated bustle skirt with apron and ruched back, with a long sleeved, button up, top.

Those are my two dresses but I dont have the skill to create them. So as I was wondering what the heck Im gonna do, since I dont feel as if I have enough skill to do my favorite era. Then I found, during the last days of Hancock fabric, this weird-cool LARP thing Armsgaurd. Honestly, in retrospect. I was expecting so much more than what they delivered.

Firstly I was talked up the whole time by the former 'queen' who said that it would be so very fun. So, after buying 30 dollars of fabric (at 95% off, woot!) I lurked around the park to see what was up.

The first thing I see is these four guys, decked out in armor from different eras, beating the tar out of one another with Rattan swords. HOLY HECK! I was shy and lurked and lurked, before finally approaching. Apparently, this was not Armsguard it was some dealio to do with something called SCA. I watched for a bit, then went off to look for the LARPers. After a minute of slow driving I found them.

All together it was about thirty people, half of whom dressed in the normal, the other half well... I guess it was dressing up. There was some half-hearted attempts at kilts, and talbards, and I think one was supposed to be a surcoat, and some baggy harem pants in the colors of their band. The work on these was not too professional, but the people were excited to wear them so, hey, go them. Then there was the fighting, basically all these people got into two lines and hit each other with sticks. The other half of the group just lurked at the tables, talking to one another. I flitted back and forth but really didn't feel the vibe. I guess I'm not outgoing enough for the fighting, or quiet enough for the chatting.

Truthfully, what I admired most and found myself thinking about was the silly SCA group. Finally after I left I looked them up.

Whoa. This was just what I imagine LARP would be! It was a medieval recreation group who tried to learn fighting, clothing and food like it was way back when! Hey! I was so very interested in the idea of this! I wanted to try and do things in a period way, to make an elegant cotehardie and a wimple and veil. I want to learn archery and scribing, and cooking good bread and honeycakes. Dang this sounds awesome!

But calm down. This might not be as awesome as I think, like how I psyched myself up to LARP and it wasn't really my thing. Deep breaths.

So I made a cotehardie out of some beigebrowntan material I had on hand. Its super thin cotton, but it is a start. Then I began piecing together a cloak out of (What I think is) a linen or linen look black with a dull gold lining. (Not period but its purty)

So my plan is to make two more dresses and a surcoat. The surcoat is out of an off cream skin tone like color for the beigebrowntan cotehardie. The second cotehardie Im doing is an out of the ballpark gold silky satin, made out of ten yards of the luscious stuff. (Really. I wrapped the fabric around myself and gloried in the cool silkyness of it. A bit ostentatious but.... C'MON!!) Now, historically, most cotehardie underdresses were just that. Underdresses. Not often seen. My piece de resistance is this:

One armed Dagged dress

I dont know what the fabric will be, anything from brown, green, red, blue. Whatever it is, it will have some gold embellishments, and the one dagged sleeve will be that color on one side and the gold on the other and reveal the golden undersleeve. I'm super excited about this one. Like, really, really excited. I can't wait.


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