Weekendy stuff

On holiday this weekend, a big Tobyfest, where we all celebrate my sons being here for three years, and also have a little fun ourselves.

Been out since nine am and I have already hit up a Joanns (Bought 18 patterns on sale five for five) and a hancock (twelve patterns) since Joanns had simplicity on sale and Hancock had Butterrick and Mccalls. The bulk of those boughten are Retro, but in second place is a nice little pile of costumes. Finally there is a few of regular patterns (pencil skirts and boleros to integrate into my new up and coming wardrobe.)

Will post piccys later.

Oh also, got another ten patterns from GERTIES BOOK! I bought it and it is awesome. Have been reading bit by bit and have to say, it rocks. Like, completely. :)

Toodle pip!


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