18th Century Thing Two

Not to be confused with Thing One, or Thing Three. I have many related things.

Thing Two has a caraco type dress, with petticoat. She helped muchly with the sewing of the corset, and the hips, and like many Teenage Things got bored. So now she comes over and play 'dolls' with her beloved Aunt, I.E. She stands there and sighs like a teenager while I pin and unpin dress bits around her. Strangely enough, she loves it, even though she acts like its a chore. I dont quite understand teenagers anymore.

Anyway, the caraco has a lining base of American Duchess' OUtlander inspired dresses, size fourteen, which I then embellished on by eyeing Janet Arnolds pattern in Patterns of fashion. I used the figure showing the pet a lair, but closed the back. Not enough fabric to full out go watteau.

The fabric itself is a tablecloth, linen/cotton blend, with lines of metallic thread running through it making stripes in varying widths. There is a slightly impressionist image of brown branches, yellow flowers ad brown birds along it. Its quite lovely.

I had immense issues with this, firstly, because its one of my first attempts to follow Janet Arnold's patterns, which dont come nice and neat in an envelope like the Big Four. There was draping. Hemming. Sewing. Ripping out of stitches with no little viciousness. MANY RESEWINGS OF THE SLEEVES. Finally, I got to something that could be called, if you squint a bit and tilt your head, a caraco.

I fitted it to the model and promptly had a fit. The drap of the peplum/overskirt thing had me in tears. It didnt work. Ugh. Anyway, I thought Id post a 'So-Far' update as I have been neglecting my blog.

Thing Two, or Niece Two, or Hey YOU! or any combination of the set, in her handmade sarcastically dancing skeleton corset and chemise. 

Small Rescue Yorkie, three legged deaf pitbull and Niece Two in chemise, stays, and hips. (And jeans and mocassins)

Bed sheet petticoat

Make Due underskirt thrifted from Snow White's costume I made. We decided to go more 'POP' for the underskirt a little later. 

Niece, in Repose? I guess? But as you can see, the caraco is PULLING over the edges of the hips in an unpleasing manner. I dont like it. I tried to ignore it and make her real underskirt. 

 Copper gold petticoat with deep ruffle, copper gold stomacher. MUCH BETTER. Overskirt still pulling. Unacceptable.

So, I cut the caraco at the waist, then pleated the bottom to it leaving a split like 'tails' in the back. Photos to come soon, but still currently being finished.


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