Wardrobe Goal, Spring; Summer!

Ive been languishing. My weight has really inhibited my seamstressing, I mean, I KNOW Im awesome. I mean, c'mon!

Im adorable! But my self esteem is a solid LOW, and recent health issues have impacted that like the comet that killed the dinosaurs impacted the Earth. I wear character tshirts Ive have for YEARS and jeans and hoodies. I dress like a college kid. Im thirty years old. I mean, theres nothing WRONG with that, but I feel like I should make more of myself.

The dresses I have made in the past are a little 'too' much for my day-to-day. Like, I would ROCK them on a themed outing, but I dont feel like myself wearing them everyday kinda thing. I work from home now, instead of going into an office, so getting all kitted out to just say, go to the grocery store or run errands has no appeal.

So I've decided to MELD the two looks, slumming it with jeans and a ratty t-shirt, and fabulous novelty prints TOGETHER. I'm sewing a selection of skirts, as well as tops which I will then mix and match with a few, select, nice jeans. In this way, it'll be less of a hassle to create and wear, as well as not too difficult to do!

In, uh, theory that is....


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