Construction of Cornea Destruction Dress

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The Begining:

Click to read construction post

So first this gown was to use my awesome amazing fabric with wriggly snakes on it donated by the lovely Best Friend of mine.

However the contrast fabric was too magenta red while the snakes hissing tongues were orange red and things didnt work out.

So, I used this fabric. This eye watering piece was a 6 yard fold that I got at Goodwill. It had stickers all over it pronouncing it Official African Wax Print.

Pretty cool huh? You know, the wax method of dying? Wherein one takes a piece of fabric, dyes it, draws on it with wax and drops it into more wax, repeat as needed until a unique and lovely design is made when all the wax is boiled off?

Well here they used pale pumpkin orange, lime green and eggplant. :)

My kinda print. :D

Le Begining.

This particular pattern id Burda.Style vintage wedding dress.

It has four layers on the bodice. Firstly the lining and base:

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There are lines drawn on the base to show where the strips go.

Next are the sloping Bosom pieces which are SUPPOSED to be lace and scalloped edge, but after some thought I decided to avoid that. Mainly because Im transitioning this from wedding to daydress and also Im terribly, terribly lazy. I found some hemtape in perfect purple so yay go me!!

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Its a bit wobbly but I can't be bothered with trivialities

The very next piecing is the strips which, again, were supposed  to be bias and neat. They are neither.

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And then I sewed on the second strip.

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And another

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It was at this point when I was like, DAFUQ? There are six strips but only five lines?! How the hell am I-


I was supposed to sew a strip right where I sewed the slope-y bosom things. Okay. Thats fixable.

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It even covers up the weird Nipple darts! Yay!

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Top done!!

Now one of my original draped up ideas was this:

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But obviously there is such a thing as Too Much, so I went with my next pinned idea::

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But theres still some diconnect between the top and bottom making it look pear shaped to me and off. So I decided, in my easy and careless way to make a simple piping.

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See? So much better.


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The basic design of the dress has approximately a bazillion panels. The front is flat, while the back is gathered in neat tucks to the center back, where a great bunch of fabric is tucked under, the edges above it are gently closed with bows and the fabric cascades out into a glorious pleated godet. 


For one thing I shortened this puppy a lot. I mean, A LOT. Like I took Liam Hemsworth's height offa this sucker. So I decided to omit the bows, and godet and pleating except for what was needed to make it fit round my waist. 

HOWEVER. This sucker looks awesome. The front is so simple in form (not fabric) and the back is full and beautiful. 

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Of course Im not done, because I never am and I work a 50 hour job during the week. I need to merely sew the skirt to the piping to the bodice and add the zipper.

But rockin', right? I thought so. :D


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