Fireman, Fireman! Save My Skirt!!
sac·ri·lege ˈsakrəlij/ noun violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred. "putting ecclesiastical vestments to secular use was considered sacrilege" There's this huge issue regarding wearing vintage clothing. Well, lots of issues but for this post it's the dreaded Altering Vintage Clothing Issue. I am fairly slim in the wallet area, so true vintage is typically out of my reach. However, my trips to Goodwill sometimes pay off. In this instance, I found an obviously vintage novelty skirt. This is the fabric, but my skirt has quite a bit more yardage Drindl, slightly faded with age but still adorable. There are two problems though. Too small, and too long.Easily fixed with some relatively inoffensive stitching, to adjust the waist and tuck up the hem. Me, imagining fitting in this skirt. Im the Elephant. DUNDUNDUN The waistband was too fragile and fell to pieces under my hesitant seam ripping....