Repurposing. Its a dirty word in vintage circles. People have taken wonderful, one of a kind clothes and turned them into zombie costumes, bloody brides, quilts and purses. I recently ordered a shipment of 10 pounds of kimono from Yoko Dana (Will be another post detailing them, promise) To tear apart these beautiful kimono would be blasphemous. However, these kimono are already recycled. They've had their life, some of them have had several. They're stained and mended in places. They're sold with the express purpose of repurposing. Took me about a week to come to terms with my sinful thoughts about the murder of these kimono. However, in the end, I want something wearable on an everyday idea. These kimono drag on the ground and don't come all the way around my American 'waist' if you could call it that. So, here is my first Idea. Coral Kimono, Ignore my unfinished Bookcases. What I call my Coral Kimono. This one has stains: ...